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This will ensure that there are adequate funds available to process your request. Preparing Bulk Mail Please make sure that bulk mail is prepared properly or it will be returned by the Post Office ! Each piece to be mailed must be exactly the same and have a bulk mail stamp, with the non-profit code, in the upper right-hand. All envelopes must be individually sealed. All 8 x 11 sheets must be folded in thirds and sealed with adhesive dots. The post office requires that the sheet be sealed by placing a piece an adhesive dot 1-inch in from the edge on both sides. See example below: Placement of Tabs or Adhesive Dots for 8 x 11 sheetsAddress sheet with the folded side on top.  To seal, place 2 pieces of tape or adhesive dots (start 1-inch in from edges) at the bottom opening of the sheet. Presorting Bundles Prior to bringing your bulk mail to the Mail Room, please arrange items into numerical order by zip code and rubber band like numbers together. Each bundle (of envelopes, postcards, or folded sheets) should be no more than 6-inches thick. Please use a thick rubber band around each bundle. Presort the mail and label bundles according to the guidelines listed below: Napa Bundle 1All the Napa zip codes (94558, 94559, and 94581).Remaining 945XXs Bundle 2All the rest of the 945XX.All Other Zip Codes Bundle 3All other zip codes. **PLEASE NOTE: BULK MAIL WILL BE RETURNED if the above procedures are not followed. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Shipping & Receiving at Ext. 3340. Thank you. REQUEST FOR BULK MAILING (Attach a copy of the contents being mailed) Date: ___________________________________ Requester: _______________________________ Department: ______________________________ Extension: _____________ Reason for Request: List each zip code and the total number of pieces for each zip code. Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4945XX Zip CodesHow Many PiecesAll Other Zip CodesHow Many PiecesTotal for Column 2Total for Column 4 Grand Total (add both totals from column 2 & 4): _________________ Signature of Requester: ______________________________________ Authorized By: _____________________________________________ Budget Center Manager For Business Office Use Only:Date Received: Authorized By:      PAGE  "BCDPRSV L M O U s { ȿȿȳԛ~zslee^s^seseslse hhA hh2 hhK~ hhM hhh& 5>*hhxf5>*h 5CJaJh hP5CJaJh h 5CJaJh hf|5CJaJh.a5CJaJh h5CJaJh 5CJaJ hh& hhxfh hhJX5hh& 5$C; t  $$Ifa$gdI(gd0e & Fgd0e & Fgd+" & Fgd8 & Fgd8gdgd8gd $a$gd0e$a$gd8   & , 7 : ; A J f s t   J    - 1 E Ľ˶˶趠~wla *h \/h \/5>* *h \/h0e5>* hhPh.ahTDY56>*h \/56>*h.ah.a56>*hhWqh& 5>*CJaJhh& >* hh& hh:- hh hh8 hh2hh2>* hhM hhhh5hh^5%E F J N R T a b ˹||nX*Hhs[&h0e5B*CJ\aJphHhs[&h0eCJaJh *h.ah5>*"HhKf *h.ah5>*HhKfhhhh0e56>*h+" hhTDY *h.ahP5>* *h.ahTDY5>*hhTDY5hhTDY56>*hP hhPh.ah \/h0e   Jưum_I3*Hh[&h0e5B*CJ\aJph*Hhy[&h0e5B*CJ\aJphHhs[&h0eCJaJhcCJaJjHhs[&hcU*Hht[&h0e5B*CJ\aJph*Hhu[&h0e5B*CJ\aJph*Hhs[&h0e5B*CJ\aJphHhs[&h0eCJaJ*Hhs[&h0e5B*CJ\aJph*Hh[&h0e5B*CJ\aJph   xxxxxxx $$Ifa$gdI(zkd$$If<  ` f0634<af bp fyt \/  }x $$Ifa$gdI(zkd$$If<   0634<af bp yt \/JMY\`goruv}~ԾԒԨ|ngYKYG@G@9 hh(5W hhAh \/hWqh(5W5>*CJaJhWqhTDY5>*CJaJ h0e5>*Hhs[&h0eCJaJ*Hh[&h0e5B*CJ\aJph*Hhy[&h0e5B*CJ\aJph*Hhv[&h0e5B*CJ\aJph*Hhx[&h0e5B*CJ\aJph*Hhs[&h0e5B*CJ\aJph*Hh[&h0e5B*CJ\aJph}~ Dssj $Ifgd( $$Ifa$gdmlgd8zkdv$$If<  ` 0634<af bp yt \/  abehl CEW]`{|ۼ۴۪{sksdsksdsksd hh8hmlh.a5hmlhP5 hhh \/h5>*h \/h.a5>*h \/heu5>*h \/hTDY5>*h \/h(5W5>*hh(5W6h \/hh(5W6>*hhP6>* hhP hh(5Wh.ah0e5>*h.ah5>*h.ah(5W5>*'DEW`{xllc $Ifgd( $$Ifa$gdmlkd.$$Ifl0 &$  t0644 la pytml{|xllc $Ifgd( $$Ifa$gdmlkd$$Ifl0 &$  t0644 la pytmlwxsskkkfffffgd=$a$gd=gd8kdl$$Ifl0 &$  t0644 la pytml IQRSTdevwwx %!ʾʾƤƐƈƀxtxtxtxth2Hjh2HUhmlh=6h\h=5hmlh=5hmlh=;CJaJhmlh=5;CJaJhmlh=6CJaJhgrh=5h= h=5h<[oh=5hAhJhhh5 hhAhhA5 hc5+_`tuvw $$Ifa$gdmlgd=  H<<<<< $$Ifa$gdmlkd $$Ifl\ $ p  t0$644 lap(ytml%&'()<333 $Ifgd=kd$$Ifl\ $ p  t0$644 lap(ytml $$Ifa$gdml)*+,-./?kd$$Ifl\ $ p  t0$644 lap(ytml $Ifgd=/01234H???? 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