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Student Support Services TRIO

SSS TRIO is a leading transfer/graduation program for first generation college students.

Flyer advertising SSS TRIO Programs

Apply today!

Completed SSS TRIO Applications can be emailed to mvazquez@napavalley.edu

Student Support Services (SSS) TRIO is a federally funded program dedicated to servicing 185 students. The program serves income eligible, and first generation students according to ratios and guidelines set by the federal government. Students must show intent to complete a degree or certificate program and transfer to a four year institution.



Academic Advising: An Education Plan leading to Graduation and/or Transfer will be created and updated with a qualified Counselor or Student Specialist.

Counseling: Academic and supportive counseling; early assistance for registration; follow up on mid-semester evaluation reports.

College Transfer Assistance: Individual planning for admission, application, and transition to four year colleges and universities.

Financial Aid: Assistance with filling out the FAFSA application. Help with scholarship searches and applications.

Financial & Economic Literacy: Learn about managing your money, saving for college, developing a budget, ways to save money and much more.

Counseling 97 Class: All new students are required to enroll in COUN 97 or take another counseling course approved by the program.

Tutoring: Academic Mentors are available in a wide variety of subjects.

The grant requires that applicants must meet the following criteria set by the U.S Department of Education:

  • TRIO can now serve all students regardless of citizenship status
  • Be within Federal Income guidelines and/or
  • Neither parent or guardian has graduated from a four-year college

Candidates must also...

  • Provide required income verification
  • Submit all documents requested by SSS TRIO staff
  • Sign a mutual agreement contract to participate fully in the program
  • Be in good academic standing
  • Earn a degree or certificate and transfer to a 4-year institution

If you are a student or if you are a staff member / instructor /
counselor who identifies a student whom you believe may benefit from our services, please call us at 256-7350 or email us at ssstrio@napavalley.edu We will screen for Federal guidelines to determine eligibility.

To Apply:

  • Submit a completed SSS TRIO Application to mvazquez@napavalley.edu 
  • Submit a copy of your parent(s) or guardians SIGNED previous year Federal Taxes (Form 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ)

For questions, please email us at SSSTRIO@napavalley.edu

The applicant will receive an email that their application has been received by our SSS TRIO Office. Thereafter, applicants should receive an email and/or letter regarding the status of their application.

If you meet eligibility criteria and are deemed eligible by SSS TRIO Staff, then staff will request the following from the application:

  • High School Transcripts (unofficial)
  • College Transcripts from Institution(s) you have attended (if applicable)
  • Eureka Assessment (By Appointment Only)

We will schedule your first appointment after the above items have bene completed and submitted to our TRIO Office


Contact Us

  • Building 1300, Room 1333​
  • (707) 256- 7350
  • Monday - Friday

    In-Person Services:
    Mon. -Thurs.
