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ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ career technical education programs are open and available to all students regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.Admission requirements for ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ career technical education programs are described in the current ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ catalog.The ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ Title IX officer is Kevin Luckey (Phone:707-259-4514, Room 609).The Section 504 compliance officer is Rebecca Scott (Phone:707-256-7438, Room 1735-C).

Students in need of accommodations in the college learning environment:

Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a learning disability should contact Learning Services in the Library and Learning Resource Center (LLRC), room 1766, phone (707) 256-7442.A Learning Disability Specialist will review your needs and determine appropriate accommodations.

If you need accommodations for physical or other types of disabilities, schedule an appointment with DSPS Counselor, Sheryl Fernandez, in the Counseling Department located on the top floor of the 800 building, phone (707) 253-3040 for appointment.

All information and documentation is confidential.

Please feel encouraged to make an appointment with me privately to discuss your specific learning needs in my class.

Grading Policy:

Please review specific grading policies can be found in Course Syllabi.Students are responsible for completing any reading assignment prior to the next class meeting.Any graded coursework not performed with assigned and/or required equipment will be marked down accordingly.

Academic Honesty:

Students are prohibited from sharing their username and password with anyone.Students shall not allow other students or others not enrolled in the course to access course materials or lab computers without instructor’s permission.Allowing anyone else to access your account is grounds for failing the course.

All students are expected to complete their own work and all written work must be original.Work cited from other sources must be cited properly using quotations marks and references as appropriate.Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated and will result in no credit for the assignment.Subsequent incidents of plagiarism may result in failing the class and a referral to the vice-president of student services for formal discipline.Students are expected to take all course exams individually.Cheating includes accessing test information in any way that is not approved by the instructor or sharing test information with another student in any way not approved by the instructor.Cheating on a test shall result in a failing grade on that test.Subsequent incidents of cheating may result in a failing the class and a referral to the vice-president of student services for formal discipline.

Attendance Information

Regular attendance in all classes is important for satisfactory academic progress.The ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ attendance regulations make provisions for a limited number of unavoidable absences.However, a student who is absent for as many times as a class meets each week will have exhausted this provision.An instructor may request verification of those absences.Further absences may cause the instructor to drop the student from the class.

The Students dropped from a class must submit a petition to the Vice President, Student Services in order to be reinstated.If a student is absent because of illness, a signed statement from a physician must be attached to the petition.It is important that the student contact the instructor as soon as possible after an absence has occurred.The Office of Student Services is located in Room 1330, 1300 Student Services 1 Building, 256-7360.

Students are ultimately responsible for dropping the class should they wish to no longer participate or to even start the class once registered.The instructor is not obligated to drop students at any point in the course.

If you have a disability that requires accommodations, please let me know as soon as possible and I will provide you with the information you need to receive services.You may also contact the Office of Special Services (DSPS), Bldg. 1700, at (707) 253-3080, or make an appointment in the Counseling Center (Bldg. 1300) to meet with a DSPS Counselor, (707) 253-3040.

Drafting Lab Etiquette and Policies:

  1. Lab computers are to be used for DDGT course purposes only.Working on projects for other classes during your class time is not allowed. (Some open lab time, other than your scheduled classes in DDGT may be made available to you.At these times, you may request to use a workstation for other class work.This type of use will be on a case by case basis and you must receive prior approval from the instructor before using the Open Lab time for other than DDGT projects.)
  2. Lab computers are used by many other students during the day.Do not adjust or customize the display (monitor) or the workings of the computer in any way.This includes background wallpaper on the desktop and resolution settings of the display adaptor or adjustment of the actual computer monitor hardware.(If you need special accommodation for a visual problem or otherwise, make a request and we will review your consideration.)
  3. Lab computers are used by many other students during the day.Please shutdown your computer before leaving for the day.You may leave the computer monitors on as they will go into β€œStand By” mode.
  4. Internet access is a privilege.Do not access questionable websites.Do not download and install any software or games.Access to the internet is limited to needs for projects in the DDGT Courses.Any other access is not allowed without permission.(On occasion, you may request to access the Internet for personal use.If your request is granted, it does not override the directive regarding software/game downloads or installations.You will need to clear this type of use on a case-by-case basis.)
  5. The DDGT lab computers are for learning and studying.Do not play computer games of any kind on the DDGT Lab Computers.Playing solitaire and the like on the DDGT computers is not allowed.Unless by chance you have created the artwork and programmed a computer game as part of a DDGT course project, there will be NO computer games played in this lab.Playing computer games is something that you can do at home, on your own computer, in your own time.
  6. Do not touch the computer monitor screen with any items or especially with your fingers.There is absolutely no reason why anyone needs to touch the monitor screens.If you wish to point out something on your screen to another person, POINT WITHOUT TOUCHING!If you cannot seem to help yourself, use the eraser end of your pencil to point with and do not touch the screen with that either!If your monitor is found to be all fingerprinted up, you will lose the access to the DDGT Lab Computers.If you happen to accidently touch the screen, you may use the cleaning spray and cloths available to you in the lab.DO NOT use any other cloth except for the ones designated to you.If you are unsure, ask the instructor or DDGT Technician for assistance.
  7. Each student is required to clean their CAD workstation before leaving the classroom at least once a week or as needed.Ask Instructor or Assistant for cleaning supplies.
  8. Please keep in mind at all times that computer use in this lab is not your private business.All access on this network is logged and may be reviewed at any time.The activity on your screen when you are working in this network can and may be recorded for later review as well.
  9. Please set cell phones to β€œvibrate” during class times.Take all phone calls outside.Do not take phone calls during lecture or demonstrations unless it is an emergency and do so quietly.Keep in mind that you may miss vital information during a lecture.
  10. Students may keep drinks / food at designated areas at the back of the room.Water in a closed container may be kept by students on the floor at work area.Please eat outside or in the kitchen area. Privileges may be revoked at any time if policies are abused.Any garbage that has food in it should be disposed of in the garbage cans OUTSIDE of the building (there are garbage cans located on the north and south ends of the building).
  11. Talking during a lecture other than to a student to clarify something that is not clear will not be permitted.If you do not understand something, ask the instructor.I will be more than happy to assist you.If your question is not answered, come and see me after the lecture and we will go over the topic until everything is clear.
  12. The rest rooms are located on the north end of the building.You may leave the class at any time to use them without asking permission.Keep in mind that you may miss vital information during a lecture.
  13. Lab hours are available regularly.It his highly recommended that you take full advantage of the CAD workstations during these times.
  14. Lockers are available at the back of each room for your convenience.Do not utilize the lockers during other classes.You will be required to supply your own padlock. Note:Locks are to be removed at the end of the semester.
  15. If you know that you will be tardy or absent, you must contact the instructor of your class to let them know ahead of time.
  16. In the event of a major disaster or emergency, the instructor is to lead the students to the grassy area between the 1700 and the 2000 (between the new library and science buildings) or to the sports track.
  17. Scent Free Zone.The chemicals used in scented products can make some people sick, especially those with fragrance sensitivities, asthma, allergies and other medical conditions. Please do not wear perfume, cologne, aftershave, and other fragrances.Please use unscented personal care products.
  18. Failure to comply with any of these directives will result in immediate suspension of DDGT Lab Computer privileges!

Disability Accommodations:

Students in need of accommodations in the college learning environment:

Any student who feels they may need an academic adjustment based on the impact of a learning disability should contact Learning Services in the Library room 1766, phone (707) 256-7442. A Learning Disability Specialist will review your needs and determine appropriate accommodations.

Any student who feels they may need an academic adjustment based on the impact of a physical or other types of disabilities, may schedule an appointment with a DSPS Counselor, Tyler Downie, located in Counseling Student Affairs 1300 building, phone 256-7442 or 256-7345 for appointment. You will be asked to submit any medical/disability documentation prior to your appointment.

All information and documentation is confidential. Please feel encouraged to make an appointment with me privately to discuss your specific learning needs in my class if needed, and to ensure I received your academic adjustment letter.

I encourage students who have requested extended time for testing as an academic adjustment(s)/accommodations through DSPS or Learning Services please check in with me (in person or via email) that I have received a letter and discuss when you will be taking your exams.

Important College Numbers (707 area code):

256-7201 Admissions and Records
256-7327 Career Center
256-7300 Financial Aid/EOPS
530-736-2189 Child Development Center (Michele Eggert)
256-7221 Counseling Department
256-7345 Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS)
256-7442 Learning Services
256-7437 Testing and Tutoring Center
256-7333 Transfer Center
