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Student Videos

Reducing Student Mental Health Stigma (Video Runtime: 03:05)

In partnership with the University of California, Office of the President (UCOP), and Riverside Community College District, CCC SMHP has tailored five PSAs to focus on the mental health needs of CCC students. This PSA focuses on three students who struggled with mental health issues before opening up to their support networks. By showing students that they should not be afraid to ask for assistance, this video promotes help-seeking behavior.

Suicide Awareness for College Students PSA (Video Runtime 02:24)

In partnership with the University of California, Office of the President (UCOP), and Riverside Community College District, CCC SMHP has tailored five PSAs to focus on the mental health needs of CCC students. In this testimonial-style PSA, the classmates, professor, and parent of a college student who has died by suicide express regret that they did not β€œknow the signs” in time to help her. The video conveys the message that everyone has a part to play in preventing suicide.

Supporting Student Veteran’s Mental Health Awareness (Video Runtime 02:09)

In partnership with the University of California, Office of the President (UCOP), and Riverside Community College District, CCC SMHP has tailored five PSAs to focus on the mental health needs of CCC students. The Supporting Student Veterans PSA was originally created by The Jed Foundation and mtvU. In this PSA, an Iraq War veteran answers questions about stress, PTSD, and other aspects of combat with a group of college students. The video promotes a supportive culture for student veterans and introduces the resources that are available to them.
